Vending machine

If you go to Japan, then you will find a vending machine at every turn.

It has been installed also the summit of Mount Fuji.Amazing!

Why the vending machine has spread so much in Japan,there are safe very much.

We do not have to worry about the destruction and theft, even at night.

I will introduce the great things about vending machines in Japan in a bulleted list.

  • Most of those have features a recycling box.
  • It sell cold drink in summer.When winter,it sell something warm such as corn soup.
  • It sells cigarettes and alcohol.If minors to buy it, they must pass the age verification function.
  • At night,vending Machine of liquor and tobacco are sold regulations.
  • Up-to-date machinery to recognize the face of the purchaser,it display products you may like.
  • Set of snacks and whiskey are selling for $ 5.
  • In the cafeteria,vending machines are selling a food tickets.
  • Assortment of them, healthy drink like green tea and mineral water is often.There is also a vegetable juice.
  • Recent machine is Eco-friendly low power consumption.
  • In emergency situations such as earthquakes, drinks are free.However, it is not all.
  • In the countryside, rice milling machine is also a automatic.
  • Photo of Tommy Lee Jones is put.Because he had appeared on television advertising of canned coffee.
  • It's sold, it is not limited to drink.For example,freshly baked toast, umbrella, curry, eggs, fruits, vegetables, flowers, underwear, fishing bait,sexual reference books...whoa!

These have evolved rapidly,Japanese is also a surprise.

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