4コマ漫画 Yon-koma-manga ~ Headwaters of Japanese manga.

4コマ漫画(4-cell manga) is a comic to make a short story by four frame.
I'll tell the rules of 4-cell manga to you.

 Prototype of the 4-cell manga is present from the Edo period.

At that time, 4-cell manga had been introduced to overseas already.

Today, professional magazine of 4-cell manga has been around for many.

In addition, 4-cell manga using the subject of current events has been posted on many newspapers.

Among the 4-cell manga that was published in the newspaper,cartoon which won the popular general-interest are many.
For example, it's Kobo-chan and Sazae-san.

Mechanism of 4-cell manga is simple.

It's one rule only.

“起・承・転・結 (ki・shou・ten・ketsu)”

The frame of four, each of which has a role.
  • 起 begin.The  beginning of the story, opportunity.
  • 承 take over. Took over the story of, and to develop.
  • 転 turning point. Highlight of the story. Turning point.
  • 結 close. Rounding out the story. Punch line.
If you make a story in accordance with this rule, it is going to be a story with a sharp and short.

This rule is simple.
Children can also be draw manga with this rule.

4-cell manga is easy and familiar simple, Therefore,it is popular among the masses.

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