Kind of last name of Japan.

Last name in Japan, is expressed in kanji.

The last name has a meaning.

Most of them are derived from  occupations and place where their ancestors lived.

 I will Introduces the famous surname of Japan.

鈴木 suzuki
That means the tree dedicated to God in the festival.
田中 tanaka
In the rice field.
渡辺 watanabe
Near the water
小林 kobayashi
Small forest.
井上 inoue
On top of the wells.
犬飼 inukai
I have a dog.
足利 ashikaga
The name of the ashikaga area.

Interesting last name
鼻水 hanamizu
左 hidari
留守 rusu
being away
鼻毛 hanage
Nose hairs
無敵 muteki
These are very rare and amusing.

Last name has little difference by region, even if derived from same.

If the pronunciation is different.
山崎 yamasaki or yamazaki
須藤 sutou or sudou
前田 maeta or maeda

If the kanji is different.
山崎 山﨑 山嵜 (These are the same all.)

Japan is a country that has many types of last name in the world.

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