お食い初め Okuizome ~ Hope the happiness of my child.

Okuizome is a ritual of congratulation that give a child food for the first time in 100 days of age.

However, the baby does not really eat.It is imitation to eat.

We congratulate the teeth grew in children.

This ritual has a meaning of hope that children be blessed with food throughout the life.

This is done in 100 days after birth, in some cases 200 days or 120 days.

Basic menu of the meal are one soup and three dishes.This combination, which is often provided in an assortment of festive ritual in Japan.

Is interesting, there is a pebble in this.

The meaning of this is,we wish the child's teeth to be hard and strong like a stone.

In Osaka I introduced previously,they use octopus instead of stone.
Because Osaka is famous for takoyaki.→Takoyaki is ...

In many cases, we invite relatives and intimate friends to the ceremony.

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