俳句 Haiku ~Shortest poem in the world.

Haiku is a poem of Japan.

It consists of a total of 17 characters,classification of it is 5.7.5.

Haiku has the rule few simple,express emotional and state of nature in conformance with it.

Now, let's introduce  the rules and the appeal of haiku.

As I said earlier, haiku has a rhythm of 5.7.5.
All haiku is not has followed this rhythm,but rhythm of this basic is the most beautiful in the Japanese language.

And, an important element is 季語 (kigo).
Kigo means the season word, it's words that make you feel the season.
Haiku has one Kigo in its short sentence.
Japan has four seasons.Spring, summer, autumn, and winter.
For example, snow reminds the winter, it's the winter season words.
Kakigori is the food in hot summer, it's the summer season words.Kakigori is...

By adding kigo to the words 5・7・5,haiku is reminiscent of the season,and it's even to feel the sights and sounds.
There is an effect that evoke common scene by one word,that scene the  Japanese having.
But it should not be difficult that people outside Japan also share those image.

Let 's described by reference the famous haiku.

柿くえば 鐘がなるなり 法隆寺 (kakiueba kaneganarunari houryuuji)
This haiku is a famous haiku by Masaoka Shiki, he's a poet of more than 100 years ago.
I will try to explain the scene represented by the this poem.
He was resting in a teahouse temple of Horyuji.Horyuji is a wooden building the world's oldest extant.
He is eating a persimmon, and hear the sound of a bell indicating the time from the temple.
Around is quiet, the sound of the bell sounded to the mountain, he can feel the serenity of autumn.
Persimmon is a fruit of autumn,That's persimmon season words of autumn.
Poem simple short number of characters, feel the scene by the sensitivity of the recipients.
By the way, this haiku is identified with the Kanji characters,rhythm becomes 5.7.5 If you have read aloud.
There is also various techniques such as rhyme in haiku,but basic rule is not absolute.
There is also a contest of haiku, there is a lesson to learn haiku in school.
Haiku is an art, and have been popular.

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