節分 Setsubun ~ Event to ward off calamity.

February 3,this day is the turn of the season in Japan.

It's currently believed that bad things dwells in such a season.

So,it is necessary that we get rid of them.

Of course,modern Japanese do not really believe that.

As a convention,they have enjoyed the event.

Well, let's description of the event.

In Setsubun,people bump into Man throwing beans.The man wearing the masks of demon.

This demon, it means that something evil and not good.

Incidentally,The beans, there is a sense that ward off evil.

In fact is not so,because the pronunciation of exorcism and beans are similar, namely it is pun.
When you throw the beans,there is a slogan that was determined.

We shout,Oni wa soto! Huku wa uchi!

This means, go out demons!Come happiness!

Beans are not only throw.They eat beans the same number of his age.

It is doing so,their bodies become strong,and they do not catch a cold.

This act is called Mamemaki.

Mamemaki, it seems to have been done from at least 700 years ago.

Now, mamemaki has been made to a small child.

This is a Japanese demon masks.It is called the Oni.Like a ogre.

This is for children.It is not too scary.It is rather cute.



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