風呂敷 Furoshiki ~ Japanese wrapping cloth.

The Japanese use a cloth when they carry the baggage since ancient times.

Its origins were present already before 1300.

The fabric they use is square, pattern is written.

This is the most famous pattern of the cloth in Japanese imagine,Karakusa pattern.

Meaning of furoshiki, a bath mat. Because it was often used in this bath.

Old Japanese bath was a steam bath.Where the fabric has been laid down.

Furoshiki have became popular among the common people in the Edo period,about 400 years ago.

When the Edo period,bathhouse was completed.

People used the Furoshiki, in order to carry baggage, such as spare clothing.

Since then,Furoshiki have continued to permeate the lives of ordinary people until the 1980s.
There is record it turns out to be well that people of this time found the Japanese wrapping cloth useful.

A man named Akihiko Takemura was photographed Furoshiki around the corner.

Furoshiki were naturally present in the life of the Japanese people.

Incidentally,,in recent years, this has been published as a photo collection.

But the modern, people began to use the bag.In addition, plastic shopping bags become popular,the turn of the Furoshiki decreased.

However, it did not necessarily decline completely.

Young people with ecology consciousness have used Furoshiki regularly.

They created a method that is appropriate for use in the era of now.

This wrapping is like a basket  bag.

It is wrapped in wine.

Furoshiki is not only eco-friendly and convenient.

It is very beautiful.

Just it, may be the reason that long been a favorite in Japanese.

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